Tuesday 26 May 2009

Australia Duty-Free publicise arrivals pre-order

Duty Free Shopping
Interner, Monday, May 25, 2009
It is a good idea to purchase duty free items while traveling internationally. There are so many benefits you will get from duty free shopping. The obvious benefit is saving money because the items are taxes and duties free. Before shopping for duty free items, it is a good idea to look around and compare prices with regular retail stores. So you can see how much of a bargain you are getting.Today you can order duty free items by online on the Internet. All you have to do is visit www.sydneyairportshopping.syddutyfree.com and pre-order for duty free items that you want. Then you can pick up the items on arrival or departure at Sydney Airport, New South Wales Australia. Topsources.com

Saturday 23 May 2009

Duty-Free travel forum questions

Duty Free / Tax Free Allowances
Hiya, I'm going to Tenerife next week and i'm a bit confused as to what I can bring back I understand that I can take 200 cigarettes/ 60cl perfume / 1 litre of spirits as duty free but do I have a 'tax free' allowance as well?? And - at the airport on the way out they offer to keep purchases for you til you return to the UK ... Travelsupermarket.com

The following day we took a quick trip over the border into Paraguay. The crossing was chaos personified, this tax & duty free haven attracts crowds from Brazil and Argentina as well as everyone else from around South America it seems. Travelblogorg

Doha was pretty cool, lots of cheap duty free. 100 Lamberts for 11 uk pounds Travelpod.com

Arrivals Duty Free questions??????

Duty-Free Upon Arrival? by Max in City Trip

After passing the border control and being let into the country, you normally go look for your luggage and head for the exit. But hold your horses, there is still a small surprise ahead. At the Atatürk International Airport of Istanbul, you can also buy duty-free goods upon arrival. Istanbul Trails

Seeing the plethora of Duty Free shops on arrival at Suvarnabhumi airport the question occurred to me...Do the Thai revenue men still pull you and fine you for buying those duty frees after you have gone through customs?If they do it does seem a bit strange to be able to buy on arrival. ThaiVisa.com

Can you get duty free on arrival at Taba airport? Holiday Truths Forum

Best place to buy duty free Royal Salute scotch - Philadelphia to Frankfurt flight?
Is it better to purchase at retail store or at duty free - to get the best price on Royal Salute Chivas 21 yr old scotch? Yahoo questions

Saturday 16 May 2009

Who is "Big Bang Duty Free"?

Lotte is a Korean Duty Free shop Operator, "Big Bang" seem like a band and they seem to have a lot of Spanish and Portuguese speaking fans....please explain?

où pouvez-vous vous acheter Tax Free à l'arrivée?

Hong Kong
New Zealand
Cote d'Ivoire
Sao Paulo
Puerto Plata


Wednesday 6 May 2009

Consultation sur l'accès aux «duty free shops» à l'arrivée en Suisse

On devrait y voir plus clair cet automne sur l'opportunité d'autoriser les voyageurs arrivant en Suisse de passer par les «duty free shops» avant de sortir de l'aéroport.
Le Conseil fédéral a mis mercredi cet assouplissement en consultation.
Les milieux intéressés auront jusqu'au 6 septembre pour donner leur avis concernant la loi sur l'achat de produits dans les boutiques hors taxes. Il s'agit d'élaborer des dispositions permettant de ne plus limiter la vente dans les «duty free shops» aux passagers s'envolant à destination de l'étranger.
Selon le droit en vigueur, les marchandises achetées dans les boutiques hors taxe doivent être exportées du territoire douanier suisse pour que l'exonération des redevances puisse être accordée. Par conséquence, seules les personnes en partance pour l'étranger peuvent effectuer des achats dans ces magasins.
Le projet dit de «tax free at arrival» est destiné à concrétiser une motion du conseiller national Hans Kaufmann (UDC/ZH) approuvée par le Parlement en 2007. Divers pays, dont la Norvège, Malte et Chypre, autorisent déjà l'accès aux boutiques hors taxe aussi à l'arrivée.
Si la Suisse s'aligne sur cette pratique, les aéroports pourraient engranger quelque 20 à 23 millions de francs de recettes supplémentaires par année, selon les estimations de l'époque. Le gouvernement s'était également dit prêt à modifier la législation dans l'idée de renforcer la compétitivité des aéroports suisses. Source: SDA/ATS

courtesy: www.20min.ch

Monday 4 May 2009

Tax Free Travel joins the arrival Club!

Tax Free Travel dot com, a relatively new but very comprehensive website about global shopping, has added their weight to the Duty Free on Arrival debate with a full page of information related to the subject.
